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Upcoming Events

Break up with the old you.
Live free, as Spirit intended.

A Modern Shaman who helps you find true inner freedom

Johnson is a spiritual guide and bestselling author who offers transformational online courses and retreats in places like Greece, Bali, Bhutan, Thailand, Tibet and Peru.

His retreats integrate a holistic integration of the mind, body and spirit. Through the synthesis of Yogic & Buddhist philosophy and shamanic healing wisdom, his approach is practical and effective.

His TedX talk, “How to Deal with Toxic Family Relationships” poses the idea that “if we can negotiate legal contracts, then why not toxic family ones?” Johnson’s mission is to help you break free from toxicity in whatever form it takes, so that you can live unapologetically as you.

Johnson's TedX Talk on "How to Deal with Toxic Family Relationships"
A Peek into a Shamanic Journey Workshop Experience
Join the 7 day FREE Shamanic Journey
for Inner Freedom Challenge
7 days of 30 min guided transformational breathwork practices

As Seen In

Join an Upcoming Workshop or Retreat

Surry Hills, 432 Elizabeth Street 1:30 - 4 pm

Oct 26, 2024

To awaken the wisdom of your higher brain, you must go on a journey of euphoria. And while euphoric states are associated with exalted rapture, it is actually rooted in the ancient Greek word meaning, ‘healthy.’ The addiction to the stress of the modern day pace of life prohibits the generation of the euphoric molecule, DMT in the brain, and therefore stunts your capacity to unlock deeper states of consciousness. This workshop is for you if you are looking to … Drop deeper into ecstatic DMT states during your breathwork practice. Deepen your spiritual connection with yourself and the universe Make quantum leaps in how you’re going to manifest your soul’s desire in 2024.


Sept 26 - Oct 5, 2024

More than a retreat, you will walk the path of the sacred Buddhas. This is a spiritual pilgrimage across the sacred sites in Tibet. We will visit the holy temples and places that Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) the 2nd incarnation of the Buddha. This is not a call for you to become a blind follower. It is a call for you to re-awaken your inner Buddha nature, and to walk the path alongside the ancient ones..


April 10 - 17, 2025

(12 SPOTS ONLY) Join Johnson and phD in Buddhism and ex-monk Dr. Karma on a spiritual pilgrimage through the remotest parts of the eastern Himalayan range. This retreat is a spiritual growth journey meets a culturally immersive experience that will help you to find more harmony in your mind, body and spirit. Limited to 12 travellers.


July 11-20, 2025

(22 SPOTS ONLY) Join Johnson and his Q'ero paqo teachers, the high priests of the Andes mountains in Peru for an unforgettable journey into the mythical realms as you engage in deep transformational indigenous healing ceremonies with sacred plants and more.
Join our 7 day FREE Shamanic Journey
to Inner Freedom Challenge
Get easy to follow expert guidance
with shaman, author & TedX Speaker Johnson Chong